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Configuration defines additional configuration parameters beside the standard Spring Framework ones. All custom parameters are children of the owms property namespace.

Parameter Type Default profile value Description
owms.eureka.url string http://user:sa@localhost:8761 The base URL of the running Eureka service discovery server, inclusive schema and port string http://user:sa@localhost:8761/eureka/ The full Eureka registration endpoint URL
owms.srv.hostname string localhost The hostname the service' is accessible from Eureka clients
owms.srv.protocol string http The protocol the service' is accessible from Eureka clients
owms.common.delete-transport-unit-mode string strict Can be strict to delete TransportUnits immediately, or on-accept where at least one collaborator must accept removal of the TransportUnit
owms.common.serialization string json Defines the exchange format used over AMQP. Either json or barry for byte[] string common.loc.commands Exchange to receive Location command requests
owms.commands.common.loc.routing-key string* Routing key to filter incoming Location command requests
owms.commands.common.loc.queue-name string common-loc-commands-queue Own queue to receive Location commands from string common.tu.commands Exchange to receive TransportUnit command requests
owms.commands.common.tu.routing-key string* Routing key to filter incoming TransportUnit command requests
owms.commands.common.tu.queue-name string common-tu-commands-queue Own queue to receive TransportUnit commands from string common.tx.commands Exchange to send out transaction commands requests string common.lg Exchange to send out update events on LocationGroups and Locations string common.tu Exchange to send out update events on TransportUnits string common.tut Exchange to send out update events on TransportUnitTypes
owms.tracing.url string http://localhost:4317 The url where the OpenTelemetry service accepts traces