
32 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
c_pk int8 19 null
com_location_message.c_location_id fk_locm_locpk R
com_transport_unit.c_actual_location com_tu_fk_loc_actual R
com_transport_unit.c_target_location com_tu_fk_loc_target R
c_created timestamp 29,6 null
c_created_by varchar 255 null
c_updated_by varchar 255 null
c_updated timestamp 29,6 null
c_ol int8 19 null
c_pid varchar 255 null
c_classification varchar 255 null
c_considered_in_allocation bool 1 null
c_description varchar 255 null
c_erp_code varchar 255 null
c_group varchar 255 null
c_incoming_active bool 1 null
c_labels varchar 1024 null
c_last_movement timestamp 29,6 null
c_lg_counting_active bool 1 null
c_aisle varchar 255 null
c_area varchar 255 null
c_x varchar 255 null
c_y varchar 255 null
c_z varchar 255 null
c_maximum_weight numeric 38,2 null
c_no_max_transport_units int4 10 null
c_outgoing_active bool 1 null
c_plc_code varchar 255 null
c_plc_state int4 10 null
c_sort int4 10 null
c_stock_zone varchar 255 null
c_account varchar 255 null
com_account.c_identifier fk_loc_acc R
c_location_group int8 19 null
com_location_group.c_pk fk_loc_lg R
c_location_type int8 19 null
com_location_type.c_pk fk_loc_lt R


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
com_location_pkey Primary key Asc c_pk
uc_loc_erp_code Must be unique Asc c_erp_code
uc_loc_id Must be unique Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc c_area + c_aisle + c_x + c_y + c_z
uc_loc_plc_code Must be unique Asc c_plc_code
ukpry7ywwtihwmbg8lwtonwvdfj Must be unique Asc c_pid
