
2 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
c_pk int8 19 null
com_location.c_location_type fk_loc_lt R
com_type_placing_rule.c_allowed_location_type fkb1he5781gaupx0napfkoy09iy R
c_created timestamp 29,6 null
c_created_by varchar 255 null
c_updated_by varchar 255 null
c_updated timestamp 29,6 null
c_ol int8 19 null
c_pid varchar 255 null
c_description varchar 255 null
c_height int4 10 null
c_length int4 10 null
c_type varchar 255 null
c_width int4 10 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
com_location_type_pkey Primary key Asc c_pk
ukd5qkbwvvprcfa266xjoqneb54 Must be unique Asc c_pid
ukh6r9kr990ufge67kp6g1p8kcw Must be unique Asc c_type
