
2 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
c_pk int8 19 null
c_created timestamp 29,6 null
c_created_by varchar 255 null
c_updated_by varchar 255 null
c_updated timestamp 29,6 null
c_ol int8 19 null
c_pid varchar 255 null
c_default bool 1 null
c_identifier varchar 255 null
com_location.c_account fk_loc_acc R
com_location_group.c_account fk_lg_acc R
c_name varchar 255 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
com_account_pkey Primary key Asc c_pk
uc_acc_id Must be unique Asc c_identifier
uc_acc_name Must be unique Asc c_name
uk30uqy3p0fff13xe1p4j40cosf Must be unique Asc c_pid
