All Classes and Interfaces

A AbstractCapturer.
A AbstractReceivingOrderPosition.
A AlreadyCancelledException.
A AsyncPackagingUnitApi is the client stub to handle operations on PackagingUnits asynchronously.
A AsyncPackagingUnitApiImpl is used to asynchronously work with a remote service to manage PackagingUnits.
A AsyncTransportUnitApi is able to process commands for TransportUnits asynchronously.
A AsyncTransportUnitApiImpl is a Spring managed bean to send Commands asynchronously over AMQP, only active with Spring profile SpringProfiles.ASYNCHRONOUS_PROFILE.
A BaseReceivingOrderPositionVisitor.
A BaseReceivingOrderPositionVO.
A BaseReceivingOrderPositionVOVisitor.
A BlindReceiptCapturer is able to actually captures unexpected material (Blind Receipts) at Goods-In.
A CacheJanitor is used to evict caches.
A CancellationDeniedException.
A CaptureDetailsVO.
A CaptureRequestVO.
A CapturingApproval.
A CapturingException is thrown to signal an unexpected failure during the receiving capturing process.
A Command.
A CommonLocationApi defines the public REST API to manage Locations.
A CommonLocationSpiPackage is a final class and cannot be instantiated, it serves like a marker interface for the Location SPI package.
A CommonLocationVO.
A CommonTransportSpiPackage is a final class and cannot be instantiated, it serves like a marker interface for the Transport SPI package.
A CommonTransportUnitApi.
A ConfigurationLocationProvider.
A Convertable.
A ConvertableVO.
A CreatePackagingUnitCommand.
A CycleAvoidingMappingContext.
A DefaultExceptionTranslator.
A DefaultOrderPositionProcessor creates expected TransportUnits when the transportUnitBK and the transportUnitTypeName are given.
A DefaultTimeProvider.
A EnsureProductExistsCommand.
A EventPropagator is a Spring managed bean, activated in profile ASYNCHRONOUS that propagates internal events to the outer world via AMQP.
A FeignLocationApiAdapter is only active with Spring profile DISTRIBUTED and uses the Feign Location API.
A FeignPackagingUnitApiAdapter.
A FeignProductApiAdapter.
A FeignTransportUnitApiAdapter is only active with Spring profile DISTRIBUTED and uses the Feign TransportUnitApi API.
A IndexController serves the root Index resource via REST.
A InitialLocationProvider.
A InventoryCommandListener.
A InventoryMessageListener is a Spring managed bean, active in profile ASYNCHRONOUS that listens on Product changes.
A InventoryProductMO is the representation of a Product in the WMS Inventory Service.
A InventorySpiPackage is a final class and cannot be instantiated, it serves like a marker interface for the Inventory SPI package.
A LocationApi deals with Locations.
A LocationApiFallback.
A LocationApiFallbackFactory.
A LocationMapper.
A LocationMO is a Message Object (MO) uses as DTO between services that represents a Location.
A LocationSpiPackage is a final class and cannot be instantiated, it serves like a marker interface for the Location SPI package.
A LocationVO.
A LocationVO.
A MessageCommand is used to attach Messages.
A NextReceivingOrder.
A NextReceivingOrderRepository.
A NoOpAsyncPackagingUnitApiImpl is used in non-distributed environments and doesn't do anything.
A NoOpAsyncTransportUnitApiImpl.
A NoOpSyncLocationApiImpl.
A NoOpSyncPackagingUnitApiImpl.
A NoOpSyncProductApiImpl.
A NoOpSyncTransportUnitApiImpl.
A NotApprovedException.
A OrderPositionProcessor.
An OrderStartMode.
An OrderState is used to define the state of a ReceivingOrder or ReceivingOrderPosition.
A PackagingUnitApi is the Feign client used internally, not by any business logic directly.
A PackagingUnitApiFallback.
A PackagingUnitVO represents a quantity of a Product packaged into a single physical unit.
An PositionState enum defines all possible states of any kind of ReceivingOrderPosition.
A Problem is used to signal an occurred failure.
A Product.
A ProductApi is the Feign client used internally, not by any business logic directly.
A ProductApiFallback.
A ProductEvent.
A ProductEventListener.
A ProductMapper.
A ProductMO.
A ProductRepository.
A ProductService.
A ProductServiceImpl.
A ProductSynchronizer offers methods to synchronize the internal state of a Product with an external source.
A ProductSynchronizerImpl.
A ProductVO.
A ProductVO that is a representation and mapped to the Product like it is defined in the WMS Inventory Service API.
A QuantityCaptureOnLocationRequestCapturer accepts capturing inbound goods on a Location.
A QuantityCaptureOnLocationRequestVO contains all information used to capture goods on a Location.
A QuantityCaptureRequestCapturer accepts capturing inbound goods on a TransportUnit only.
A QuantityCaptureRequestVO contains all information used to capture goods within a LoadUnit on top of a TransportUnit.
A ReceivingApi.
A ReceivingAsyncConfiguration is activated when the service uses asynchronous communication to access other services.
A ReceivingConstants.
A ReceivingController.
A ReceivingFeignConfiguration.
A ReceivingMapper.
A ReceivingMessages.
A ReceivingModuleConfiguration.
A ReceivingMOMapper.
A ReceivingOrder.
A ReceivingOrderCapturer is responsible to capture receipt goods in its particular flavor.
A ReceivingOrderCreatedEvent is raised when a ReceivingOrder has been created.
A ReceivingOrderCreator.
A ReceivingOrderDetailsUpdater is a ReceivingOrderUpdater strategy.
A ReceivingOrderEventListener listens on events according to ReceivingOrders.
A ReceivingOrderFinder.
A ReceivingOrderMO.
A ReceivingOrderPosition is a persisted entity class that represents an expected receipt of Products in a particular quantity.
A ReceivingOrderPositionEventListener listens on events according to ReceivingOrderPositions.
A ReceivingOrderPositionMO.
A ReceivingOrderPositionStateChangeEvent.
A ReceivingOrderPositionVO.
A ReceivingOrderRepository.
A ReceivingOrderCreatedEvent.
A ReceivingOrderUpdater.
A ReceivingOrderVO.
A ReceivingRunner.
A ReceivingService manages ReceivingOrders.
A ReceivingServiceImpl is a Spring managed transactional Services that deals with ReceivingOrders.
A ReceivingStandaloneConfiguration is activated when the service is deployed as a microservice, not packaged within an application.
A ReceivingTransportUnitOrderPosition is a persisted entity class that represents an expected receipt of a TransportUnit.
A ReceivingTransportUnitOrderPositionVO.
A RestServiceFacade.
A RestServiceFacadeImpl.
A ServiceProvider provides access to injected Spring components for not managed classes.
A ServiceProviderImpl.
A SyncLocationApi is the public API to manage Locations in a synchronous way.
A SyncPackagingUnitApi.
A SyncProductApi.
A SyncTransportUnitApi is the public API to manage TransportUnits in a synchronous way.
A TimeProvider is able to provide dates and times.
A TransportSpiPackage is a final class and cannot be instantiated, it serves like a marker interface for the Transport SPI package.
A TransportUnit.
A TransportUnitApi is the public REST API to manage TransportUnits.
A TransportUnitApiFallback.
A TransportUnitApiFallbackFactory.
A TransportUnitMapper.
A TransportUnitMessageListener is a Spring managed RabbiMQ event listener that is interested in changes on TransportUnits.
A TransportUnitMO is a Message Object representing a TransportUnit.
A TransportUnitRepository.
A TransportUnitService.
A TransportUnitServiceImpl.
A TransportUnitType is a Message Object representing a TransportUnitType.
A TransportUnitVO.
A TransportUnitVO.
A TUCaptureRequestCapturer.
A TUCaptureRequestVO contains all information used to capture goods within a LoadUnit on top of an expected TransportUnit.
A TUCommand.
A UomRelationVO defines and identifies an UOM for a given Product with an unique label.
A ValidationGroups is a marker interface collection to aggregate all types used for Bean validation groups.
A ValidationGroups.