Class QuantityCaptureOnLocationRequestVO

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class QuantityCaptureOnLocationRequestVO extends CaptureRequestVO implements Serializable
A QuantityCaptureOnLocationRequestVO contains all information used to capture goods on a Location.
Heiko Scherrer
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • actualLocation

      @NotNull(groups=CreateQuantityReceipt.class) private @NotNull(groups=CreateQuantityReceipt.class) LocationVO actualLocation
      The Location where the captured items are located on.
    • quantityReceived

      @NotNull(groups=CreateQuantityReceipt.class) private @NotNull(groups=CreateQuantityReceipt.class) org.openwms.core.units.api.Measurable quantityReceived
      The quantity that has been received during the capturing process.
    • product

      private ProductVO product
      The captured Product.
    • uomRelation

      public UomRelationVO uomRelation
      Describes the kind of UOM the PackagingUnit(s) are received in.
    • serialNumber

      private String serialNumber
      A serial number of the captured item (optional).
    • lotId

      private String lotId
      The business key referring to an existing Lot (optional).
    • expiresAt

      private ZonedDateTime expiresAt
      The expiration date of the particular PackagingUnit(s) (optional).
    • productionDate

      private ZonedDateTime productionDate
      The production date of the particular PackagingUnit(s) (optional).
  • Constructor Details

    • QuantityCaptureOnLocationRequestVO

      public QuantityCaptureOnLocationRequestVO()
  • Method Details

    • isValid

      @Valid @Validated(CreateQuantityReceipt.class) public @jakarta.validation.Valid boolean isValid()
    • getActualLocation

      public LocationVO getActualLocation()
    • setActualLocation

      public void setActualLocation(LocationVO actualLocation)
    • getQuantityReceived

      public org.openwms.core.units.api.Measurable getQuantityReceived()
    • setQuantityReceived

      public void setQuantityReceived(org.openwms.core.units.api.Measurable quantityReceived)
    • getProduct

      public ProductVO getProduct()
    • setProduct

      public void setProduct(ProductVO product)
    • getUomRelation

      public UomRelationVO getUomRelation()
    • hasUomRelation

      public boolean hasUomRelation()
    • setUomRelation

      public void setUomRelation(UomRelationVO uomRelation)
    • getSerialNumber

      public String getSerialNumber()
    • setSerialNumber

      public void setSerialNumber(String serialNumber)
    • getLotId

      public String getLotId()
    • setLotId

      public void setLotId(String lotId)
    • getExpiresAt

      public ZonedDateTime getExpiresAt()
    • setExpiresAt

      public void setExpiresAt(ZonedDateTime expiresAt)
    • getProductionDate

      public ZonedDateTime getProductionDate()
    • setProductionDate

      public void setProductionDate(ZonedDateTime productionDate)