All Classes and Interfaces

A AbstractMovementHandler.
A AsyncTransactionApi accepts asynchronous transaction commands.
A AsyncTransactionApiImpl.
A AsyncTransportUnitApi accepts asynchronous TransportUnit commands.
A AsyncTransportUnitApiImpl is a Spring managed bean to send Commands asynchronously over AMQP, only active with Spring profile SpringProfiles.ASYNCHRONOUS_PROFILE.
A Barcode is a printable item with an unique identifier to label TransportUnits.
A DefaultMovementState defines the states in the default implementation.
A DefaultMovementStateResolver.
A DefaultMovementTypeResolver.
A DefaultValidatorsImpl is used to instantiate concrete Spring Beans from the interface.
A InboundMovementHandler.
A IndexController serves the root Index resource via REST.
A LocationPK, is a value type and is used as an unique natural key for Location entities.
LocationPK builder static inner class.
A ManualMovementHandler.
A Message is used to encapsulate a message text with an identifier.
Message builder static inner class.
A Movement is a simple task to move a TransportUnit from one source Location to a target Location.
A MovementApi is the public outer API that can be used by clients.
A MovementAsyncConfiguration contains the modules asynchronous configuration that is always active.
A MovementCommand.
A MovementCommandListener.
A MovementConstants.
A MovementController.
A MovementEvent.
A MovementEvent signals changes on a Movements lifecycle.
A MovementEventListener.
A MovementEventPropagator is active with the "ASYNCHRONOUS" profile and propagates internal events to the outer world over AMQP protocol.
A MovementFeignConfiguration.
A MovementGroup is used to group Movements.
A MovementHandler does all the work according to the specific type of Movement.
A MovementMO.
A MovementModuleConfiguration.
A MovementProperties.
A MovementRepository.
A MovementService is the internal service API that deals with Movements.
A MovementServiceImpl is a Spring managed transaction service that deals with Movements.
A MovementsMessages.
A MovementStandaloneConfiguration is activated when the service is deployed as a microservice, not packaged within an application.
A MovementState is used to drive and track the execution of Movements and MovementGroups and meant to be extended in projects.
A MovementStateResolver requires to resolve the basic states of a Movement
A MovementTarget.
A MovementTargetChangedEvent.
A MovementType defines all possible types of Movements in a project.
A MovementTypeResolver tries to resolve the type of Movement from given parameters.
A MovementUIController.
A MovementVO encapsulates details about the actual request to move a TransportUnit to a target.
A NoOpAsyncTransactionApi is a bean used as a placeholder in case the ASYNCHRONOUS profile is not active.
A NoOpTransportUnitApiImpl is a Spring managed bean that does nothing and is only active when Spring profile SpringProfiles.ASYNCHRONOUS_PROFILE is NOT activated.
A PriorityConverter is a converter used by the Apache Dozer library to convert between Integers and PriorityLevels.
A PriorityLevel is used to prioritize Movements.
A ProblemHistory stores an occurred problem, in form of Message, recorded on a Movement.
A PutawayAdapter is a Spring managed transactional event listener that acts as an adapter to the PutawayApi that is called after a Movement has been created successfully.
A PutawayApi.
A RelocationMovementHandler.
A ReplenishmentMovementHandler.
A ReservationMessageListener.
A SplitMO.
A StartMode defines how a Movement is started.
A TransactionBuilder.
A TransactionCommand.
A TransactionVO.
A TransactionWriter is a Spring managed bean, activated with "ASYNCHRONOUS" profile that takes care of writing business transactions via the COMMON Transaction service.
A TransportPackage is a class used kinda marker annotation to have a shortcut to this Java package especially for Spring component scan.
A ValidationGroups.
A ValidationGroups is a marker interface collection to aggregate all types used for bean validation groups.
A Validators.