Interface MovementApi

@FeignClient(name="movement-service", qualifiers="movementApi", decode404=true) public interface MovementApi
A MovementApi is the public outer API that can be used by clients.
Heiko Scherrer
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • create

      @PostMapping("/v1/transport-units/{bk}/movements") MovementVO create(@PathVariable("bk") String bk, @RequestBody MovementVO movement)
      Create a Movement for a TransportUnit.
      bk - The identifying business key of the TransportUnit
      movement - The details of the Movement
    • findForStateAndTypes

      @GetMapping(value="/v1/movements", params={"state","types"}) List<MovementVO> findForStateAndTypes(@RequestParam("state") String state, @RequestParam("types") MovementType... types)
      Find and return Movements.
      state - The state the Movement shall reside in
      types - Allowed types of Movements to search for
      A list of all instances, never null
    • findForTuAndTypesAndStates

      @GetMapping(value="v1/movements", params={"barcode","types","states"}) List<MovementVO> findForTuAndTypesAndStates(@RequestParam("barcode") String barcode, @RequestParam("types") List<String> types, @RequestParam("states") List<String> states)
      Find and return all Movements order for TransportUnits.
      barcode - The business key of the TransportUnit
      types - A list of types the Movements must resist in
      states - A list of states the Movements must resist in
      A list of all instances, never null