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TMS Transportation allows to create TransportOrders in automated warehouses. A TransportOrder is used to move TransportUnits (e.g. pallets, boxes, cartons) between warehouse Locations. TransportOrders are created when a customer order is received or goods enter the warehouse.

These kinds of TransportOrders are meant to be used in automated warehouses only. Other concepts with other types of transports, like Movements, do better apply for manual warehouses (see the Movements Service for manual warehouses).


This component is a crucial part of the TMS (Transport Management System) and is required across projects - perhaps in different flavour. The microservice is deployed as RTU (ready-to-use) box in following environments:

Endpoint Billed SLA. no No SLA


$ mvn deploy -Prelease,gpg

Release Documentation

$ mvn package,TEST -Psonar
$ mvn site scm-publish:publish-scm