Package org.openwms.tms.impl.redirection
package org.openwms.tms.impl.redirection
This package contains classes according to TransportOrder redirection.
ClassDescriptionDecisionVoter<T extends Vote>A DecisionVoter is asked to vote for a business action.A LocationGroupRedirector votes for a
whether the target locationGroup is enabled for infeed.A LocationRedirector votes for aRedirectVote
whether the target location is enabled for infeed.A RedirectTO is responsible to handle target changes of aTransportOrder
.A RedirectVote encapsulates a targetLocationGroup and a targetLocation to vote for as a target.TargetRedirector<T extends org.openwms.common.location.api.TargetVO>A TargetRedirector.A Vote stores all information used byDecisionVoter
s to vote for or against an action that shall be executed.