All Classes and Interfaces

An Account encapsulates identifying information about the actual cost center.
A AccountApi.
A AccountApiConstants.
A AccountController is a measured and Spring managed REST controller that serves Account resources.
A AccountMapper.
A AccountRepository.
A AccountService.
A AccountServiceImpl.
A AccountVO is the representation object that encapsulates identifying information about the actual cost center.
A AllocationController.
A AllocationMapper.
A AllocationVO.
A AsyncTransactionApi accepts asynchronous transaction commands.
A AsyncTransactionApiImpl.
An AuditableEntityListener is a Hibernate Envers extension that resolves the current User from Spring Security Context and passes it as user information down to the AuditableRevisionEntity, that is mapped to the Envers Revision table.
A AuditableRevisionEntity is mapped onto Hibernate Envers Revision table and extended about the current user.
A Barcode is a printable item with an unique identifier to label TransportUnits.
A BARCODE_ALIGN defines whether the Barcode is applied LEFT or RIGHT.
A BarcodeFormatter.
A BarcodeGenerator.
A Command.
A CommonAsyncConfiguration contains the microservice' asynchronous configuration that is activated on Spring Profile SpringProfiles.ASYNCHRONOUS_PROFILE.
A CommonConstants.
A CommonMessageCodes.
A CommonModuleConfiguration.
A CommonOptAsyncConfiguration contains the modules asynchronous configuration that is only active when Springs ASYNCHRONOUS profile is set.
A CommonOtlpConfiguration.
A CommonProfiles.
A CommonSecurityConfiguration.
A CommonStandaloneConfiguration is activated when the service is deployed as a microservice, not packaged within an application.
A CommonStarter.
A ConfiguredBarcodeFormat.
A Default.
A DefaultGroupStateInTransformer.
A DefaultGroupStateOutTransformer.
A DefaultLocationStateInTransformer.
A DefaultLocationStateOutTransformer.
A DeletionFailedEvent.
A DeletionFailedEventListener.
A ErrorCodeTransformers is a collection of transformer implementations that can transform between an ErrorCode to arbitrary states used within the domain model.
Decode the GroupStateIn from the ErrorCode.
Decode the GroupStateOut from the ErrorCode.
Decode the LocationStateIn from the ErrorCode.
Decode the LocationStateOut from the ErrorCode.
A ErrorCodeVO.
A GenericAllocator is able to find Allocations based on an arbitrary set of key-value pairs.
A IndexController serves the root Index resource via REST.
A Location, represents a physical or virtual place in a warehouse.
A LocationApi defines the public REST API to manage Locations.
A LocationApiConstants.
A LocationCommand.
A LocationCommandListener.
A LocationController.
A LocationEvent.
A LocationGroup is a logical group of Locations with same characteristics.
A LocationGroupApi.
A LocationGroupController.
A LocationGroupEvent.
A LocationGroupEventPropagator.
A LocationGroupMapper.
A LocationGroupMO is a Message Object (MO) uses as DTO between services that represents a LocationGroup.
A LocationGroupMode defines possible operation modes a LocationGroup can be operated.
A LocationGroupRepository adds particular functionality regarding LocationGroup entity classes.
A LocationGroupService offers some useful methods regarding the general handling of LocationGroups.
A LocationGroupServiceImpl is a Spring managed transactional Service that operates on LocationGroup entities and spans the tx boundary.
A LocationGroupState defines possible states used for LocationGroups.
A LocationGroupStateConverter.
A LocationGroupVO represents a LocationGroup.
A LocationMapper.
A LocationMO is a Message Object (MO) uses as DTO between services that represents a Location.
A LocationPK, is a value type and is used as an unique natural key for Location entities.
A LocationRegistrationCommandListener registers service instances that needs to be considered as voters on Location changes.
A LocationRemovalManager.
A LocationRemovalManagerImpl.
A LocationReplicaRegistration.
A LocationRepository adds particular functionality regarding Location entity classes.
A LocationService manages Locations.
A LocationServiceImpl is a Spring managed transactional Service that operates on Location entities and spans the tx boundary.
A LocationType defines a type of Locations with same characteristics.
A LocationTypeController.
A LocationTypeMapper.
A LocationTypeRepository adds particular functionality regarding LocationType entity classes.
A LocationTypeService offers useful methods according to the handling of LocationTypes.
A LocationTypeServiceImpl is a Spring managed transactional Service that operates on LocationType entities and spans the tx boundary.
A LocationTypeVO defines a type of Locations with same characteristics.
A LocationVO represents a physical or virtual place in a warehouse.
A LockMode is an enumeration of possible modes a Target resource can be locked for.
A LockType defines the possible types of locks a Target can be set to.
A Message can be used to store useful information about errors or events.
Message builder static inner class.
A MessageCommand is used to attach Messages.
A MessageCommandHandler is able to handle or process MessageCommands.
A MessageCommandHandlerImpl is a transactional Spring managed bean that processes MessageCommands.
A NextBarcode.
A NextBarcodeRepository.
A NoOpTransactionApiImpl.
A NopFormatProvider.
A NotApprovedException.
A NumericBarcodeGenerator.
A RegistrationService is responsible to manage registrations of foreign services that participate in the lifecycle of Locations and LocationGroups.
A RegistrationServiceImpl.
A ReplicaRegistry.
A ReplicaRegistryRepository.
A ReservationMessageListener acknowledges a Reservation as soon as a ShippingOrderPositionSplit has been created.
A ReservationRepository.
A ReservationService manages reservations of TransportUnits.
A ReservationServiceImpl.
A RevokeLocationRemoveCommand.
A Rule used as marker interface.
A SimpleGenericAllocator.
A SimpleLink.
A SplitMO.
A StateChangeException signals that the request to change the state of an entity was not allowed.
A StringListConverter is a JPA AttributeConverter that is able to convert a String into a List of strings and vice-versa.
A Subsystem.
A Target is either a physical or a logical endpoint of any kind of warehouse order.
A TargetApi offers operations on Targets (i.e. resources), like locking and releasing a resource.
A TargetController represents the REST API to handle the state and availability of Targets.
A TargetEvent signals changes on Targets, like a Location or a LocationGroup.
A TargetVO represents a target of a TransportOrder.
A TransactionBuilder.
A TransactionCommand.
A TransactionVO.
A TransportUnitApiConstants.
A TransportUnit is a physical item like a box, a toad, a bin, a pallet etc., used as a container that is moved between warehouse Locations and might carry goods or other items like LoadUnits on top.
An TransportUnitAllocation.
A TransportUnitAllocatorApi is an allocation strategy to allocate TransportUnits based on some search criteria.
A TransportUnitApi is the public REST API to manage TransportUnits.
A TransportUnitCommandHandler is just a handler or an adapter implementation that is used by a listener and passes incoming TUCommands to the internal ApplicationContext.
A TransportUnitCommandListener is listening on TUCommands to process.
A TransportUnitCommandPropagator propagates TUCommands send by this service out to other services over an AMQP exchange.
A TransportUnitController.
A TransportUnitEvent.
A TransportUnitEventListener.
A TransportUnitEventPropagator.
A TransportUnitMapper.
A TransportUnitMO is a Message Object (MO) that represents a TransportUnit.
A TransportUnitMoveApproval implementation validates a request to move a TransportUnit and can prevent it.
A TransportUnitRepository adds particular functionality regarding TransportUnit entity classes.
A TransportUnitReservation.
A TransportUnitReservationRepository.
A TransportService offers functionality to create, read, update and delete TransportUnits.
A TransportUnitServiceImpl is a Spring managed bean that deals with TransportUnits.
A TransportUnitState defines a set of states for TransportUnits.
A TransportUnitStateChangeApproval implementation validates a requested state change of a TransportUnit and can prevent it.
A TransportUnitType is a type of certain TransportUnit.
TransportUnitType builder static inner class.
A TransportUnitTypeApi is the public REST API to manage TransportUnitTypes.
A TransportUnitTypeController.
A TransportUnitTypeEvent.
A TransportUnitTypeEventPropagator is a Spring managed component to publish TransportUnitTypeEvents over AQMP.
A TransportUnitTypeMapper.
A TransportUnitType is a Message Object that represents a TransportUnitType.
A TransportUnitTypeRepository adds particular functionality regarding TransportUnitType entity classes.
A TransportUnitTypeService offers methods to deal with TransportUnitTypes.
A TransportUnitTypeServiceImpl is a Spring managed bean that deals with TransportUnitTypes.
A TransportUnitTypeVO.
A TransportUnitVO.
A TUCommand.
A TypePlacingRule is a Rule that defines which types of TransportUnits (TransportUnitTypes) can be put on which type of Location (LocationType).
A TypeStackingRule is a Rule that defines which TransportUnitType can be stacked on other types.
An UnitError represents an error occurring on a TransportUnit.
UnitError builder static inner class.
An UnitError represents an error occurring on TransportUnits, on LoadUnits or others.
A ValidationGroups.
A ValidationGroups.
A ValidationGroups is a marker interface collection to aggregate all types used for Bean validation groups.
A WorkflowApi.