Class Subsystem

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Embeddable public class Subsystem extends Object implements Serializable
A Subsystem.
Heiko Scherrer
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • systemName

      private String systemName
      Name of the subsystem (e.g. PLC), tied to this LocationGroup. A subsystem may be named after a name and a code, like PLCCONV_01, where PLCCONV is the name of the subsystem group and the code _01 is a unique number in this group.
    • systemCode

      private String systemCode
      Subsequential code of the subsystem (e.g. PLC), tied to this LocationGroup. A subsystem may be named after a name and a code, like PLCCONV_01, where PLCCONV is the name of the subsystem group and the code _01 is a unique number in this group.
  • Constructor Details

    • Subsystem

      protected Subsystem()
      Dear JPA...
    • Subsystem

      public Subsystem(@NotEmpty @NotEmpty String systemName)
    • Subsystem

      public Subsystem(@NotEmpty @NotEmpty String systemName, @NotEmpty @NotEmpty String systemCode)
  • Method Details

    • getSystemName

      public String getSystemName()
      Returns the systemName.
      The systemName
    • setSystemName

      public void setSystemName(String systemName)
      Set the systemName.
      systemName - The systemName to set
    • getSystemCode

      public String getSystemCode()
      Returns the systemCode.
      The systemCode
    • setSystemCode

      public void setSystemCode(String systemCode)
      Set the systemCode.
      systemCode - The systemCode to set