All Classes and Interfaces

A AllocatedTransportUnit.
A Allocation.
An AllocationException signals that an allocation couldn't be performed.
An AllocationRule encapsulates the demanded amount of Product items.
A Allocator.
A AllocatorApi.
A CloseController.
A CloseHandler.
A CloseReferencedPickOrderRequestVO.
A DefaultTimeProvider.
A Demand.
A FeignAllocator uses an external API to search for available products.
A FeignProductApiAdapter.
A IndexController serves the root Index resource via REST.
A InmemoryAllocator does not force any remote calls and always returns fixed data.
A InventoryEventListener.
A NoOpSyncProductApiImpl.
A OrderReferenceVO.
An OrderStartMode.
An OrderState.
A OrderStateChanger.
A PickingAdapter.
A PickingApi.
A PositionAllocated.
A PositionReferenceVO.
A Problem is used to signal an occurred failure.
A Product is the representation of a Product like it is seen in the Shipping Service.
A ProductApi is the Feign client used internally, not by any business logic directly.
A ProductEvent.
A ProductMapper.
A ProductMO.
A ProductRepository.
A ProductVO is the API representation of a Product in the Shipping Service.
A ProductVO that is a representation and mapped to the Product like it is defined in the WMS Inventory Service API.
A ShippingApi.
A ShippingAsyncConfiguration is activated when the service uses asynchronous communication to access other services.
A ShippingCommand.
A ShippingController.
A ShippingEventListener.
A ShippingFeignConfiguration activates client stubs using Feign to connect to other services.
A ShippingProcessor.
A ShippingMessages.
A ShippingModuleConfiguration.
An Order.
A ShippingOrderCloseRequestVO.
A ShippingOrderConverter.
A ShippingOrderCreated.
A ShippingOrderEvent.
A ShippingOrderMapper.
A OrderPosition.
A ShippingOrderPositionEvent.
A ShippingOrderPositionMO.
A ShippingOrderPositionRepository.
A ShippingOrderPositionSplit.
A ShippingOrderPositionSplitMO.
A ShippingOrderPositionSplitRepository.
A ShippingOrderPositionUpdater.
A ShippingOrderPositionVO.
A ShippingOrderRepository.
A ShippingOrderStarter.
A ShippingOrderUpdater.
A ShippingOrderVO is the envelope that represents a customer order and stores some general information along the order positions.
A ShippingProfiles.
A ShippingRunner.
A ShippingService.
A ShippingServiceImpl is a transactional Spring managed Service bean that is responsible for the management of ShippingOrders.
A ShippingStandaloneConfiguration is activated when the service is deployed as a microservice, not packaged within an application.
A StringListConverter is a JPA AttributeConverter that is able to convert a String into a List of strings and vice-versa.
A ShippingController.
A ShippingUIService.
A ShippingUIServiceImpl.
A SimpleTargetResolver.
A SplitCreated.
A SplitCreator.
A SplitCreator.
A SplitEventPropagator exposes events about ShippimgOrderPositionSplits to foreign parties.
A StateChanger.
A SyncProductApi.
A Target is either a physical or a logical endpoint of any kind of order in a warehouse.
A TargetResolver.
A TimeProvider is able to provide dates and times.
A UnitConverter.
A UnitTypeVO.
A ValidationGroups.
Marker interface used to validate data that is going to be created.
Validated when a change of the ShippingOrderPosition's state is requested.
Validated when a change of the ShippingOrder's state is requested.
A WMSTypes.