SchemaSpy Analysis of testdb.public - Columns Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on Sat Aug 03 14:21 UTC 2024
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes

testdb.public contains 86 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Comments
wms_rec_transport_unit c_actual_location varchar 255
wms_rec_transport_unit c_barcode varchar 255
wms_rec_product c_base_unit_qty varchar 16
wms_rec_product c_base_unit_type varchar 255
wms_rec_order c_created timestamp 29,6  √  null
wms_rec_order_id c_created timestamp 29,6  √  null
wms_rec_order_pos_product c_created timestamp 29,6  √  null
wms_rec_order_pos_tu c_created timestamp 29,6  √  null
wms_rec_product c_created timestamp 29,6  √  null
wms_rec_transport_unit c_created timestamp 29,6  √  null
wms_rec_order c_created_by varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_order_id c_created_by varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_order_pos_product c_created_by varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_order_pos_tu c_created_by varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_product c_created_by varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_transport_unit c_created_by varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_order_id c_current varchar 40  √  null
wms_rec_product c_description varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_order c_ended_at timestamp 22  √  null
wms_rec_order c_expected_receipt timestamp 22  √  null
wms_rec_product c_foreign_pid varchar 255
wms_rec_transport_unit c_foreign_pid varchar 255
wms_rec_order_detail c_key varchar 255
wms_rec_order_position_detail c_key varchar 255
wms_rec_product c_label varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_order_pos_product c_latest_due timestamptz 35,6  √  null
wms_rec_order_pos_tu c_latest_due timestamptz 35,6  √  null
wms_rec_order c_latest_due_at timestamp 22  √  null
wms_rec_order c_locked bool 1  √  null
wms_rec_order_id c_name varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_order c_next_alloc_at timestamp 22  √  null
wms_rec_order c_ol int8 19  √  null
wms_rec_order_id c_ol int8 19  √  null
wms_rec_order_pos_product c_ol int8 19  √  null
wms_rec_order_pos_tu c_ol int8 19  √  null
wms_rec_product c_ol int8 19  √  null
wms_rec_transport_unit c_ol int8 19  √  null
wms_rec_order c_order_id varchar 255
wms_rec_order_pos_product c_order_id varchar 255
wms_rec_order_pos_tu c_order_id varchar 255
wms_rec_order_detail c_order_pk int8 19
wms_rec_order_position_detail c_order_pos_pk int8 19
wms_rec_order c_order_state varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_product c_overbooking_allowed bool 1
wms_rec_order c_pid varchar 255
wms_rec_product c_pid varchar 255
wms_rec_transport_unit c_pid varchar 255
wms_rec_order c_pk int8 19
wms_rec_order_id c_pk int8 19
wms_rec_order_pos_product c_pk int8 19
wms_rec_order_pos_tu c_pk int8 19
wms_rec_product c_pk int8 19
wms_rec_transport_unit c_pk int8 19
wms_rec_order_pos_product c_pos_no int4 10
wms_rec_order_pos_tu c_pos_no int4 10
wms_rec_order_id c_prefix varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_order c_priority int4 10  √  null
wms_rec_order c_problem_message varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_order c_problem_message_no int4 10  √  null
wms_rec_order c_problem_occurred timestamp 29,6  √  null
wms_rec_order_pos_product c_qty_expected varchar 16
wms_rec_order_pos_product c_qty_expected_type varchar 255
wms_rec_order_pos_product c_qty_received varchar 16  √  null
wms_rec_order_pos_product c_qty_received_type varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_order_pos_product c_sku varchar 255
wms_rec_product c_sku varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_order c_start_earliest_at timestamp 22  √  null
wms_rec_order c_started_at timestamp 22  √  null
wms_rec_order_pos_product c_state varchar 255
wms_rec_order_pos_tu c_state varchar 255
wms_rec_order_pos_tu c_transport_unit_bk varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_order_pos_tu c_transport_unit_type_name varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_order c_updated timestamp 29,6  √  null
wms_rec_order_id c_updated timestamp 29,6  √  null
wms_rec_order_pos_product c_updated timestamp 29,6  √  null
wms_rec_order_pos_tu c_updated timestamp 29,6  √  null
wms_rec_product c_updated timestamp 29,6  √  null
wms_rec_transport_unit c_updated timestamp 29,6  √  null
wms_rec_order c_updated_by varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_order_id c_updated_by varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_order_pos_product c_updated_by varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_order_pos_tu c_updated_by varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_product c_updated_by varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_transport_unit c_updated_by varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_order_detail c_value varchar 255  √  null
wms_rec_order_position_detail c_value varchar 255  √  null