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Copies of this document may be made for your own use and for distribution to others, provided that you do not charge any fee for such copies and further provided that each copy contains this Copyright Notice, whether distributed in print or electronically.


This guide describes the RESTful API of the WMS Inventory Service module and its usage. Some general terms and definitions are explained and declared in the first part of the document whereas in the second part the usage of the API is shown in a more use-case-driven approach.

Representation Formats

Basically JSON is used as representation format by default if not otherwise requested or mentioned below. XML format is supported for the index pages as well, but must be requested explicitly. Furthermore a vendor specific JSON format is used to represent resource representations. Therefore it is absolutely required that the Accept header denotes the demanded type. Find the type in the examples below.

Dates in JSON

Date or datetime fields are not treated specially in JSON. Within the scope of this API a date or datetime field is always expected and rendered as JSON String in ISO8601 format with timezone information and milliseconds: yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm:ss.SSSTZD.

Embedded Entities

For the sake of convenience some response entities may included embedded entities or even parts of it. A reference to the actual entity is provided as HAL link as well.

Error Responses

Beside the actual representation of resources, the server may result an error response in JSON format that contains basic information about the error occurred. This information is additional to the standard HTTP status code and may help clients to identify the error cause in order to re-phrase and send the request again.

Currently there are two types of errors with their own response formats.

Server Declined Errors

This kind of errors are sent by the server runtime environment even before the request had a chance to be processed.

An example response looks like this:

    "timestamp": 1512400854941,
    "status": 500,
    "error": "Internal Server Error",
    "exception": "org.ameba.oauth2.InvalidTokenException",
    "message": "JWT expired at 2017-12-04T15:04:43Z. Current time: 2017-12-04T15:20:54Z, ...",
    "path": "/v1/transport-units?bk=00000000000000004711"

The JSON structure contains the following fields.

Property Name Description


When the error occurred on server side


The http status of the error


A short error text


Internal class name of the Java exception type


A more descriptive error text describing the error in detail


The part of the URI for the REST resource that was queried

API Declined Errors

Those errors are thrown within the REST API validation and processing logic. For example, if a client request does not match the expected format or has produced an error on server side, the API will decline the request and return a response with status client-side error (4xx).

The structure of the response is aligned to the RFC7808. An example response looks like this:

    "message": "LocationGroup with name [NOT_EXISTS] not found",
    "messageKey": "owms.common.common.lg.notFoundByName",
    "obj" : [ "NOT_EXISTS" ],
    "httpStatus" : "404",
    "class" : "String"

The JSON structure contains the following fields.

Property Name Description


A descriptive message text in English language


An unique identifier across the API that can be used to identify and translate the error message on the client side


Arbitrary values passed to the client that correspond to the failure


The HTTP status set by the server, could be different from the response HTTP status


The data type of the obj values

Following message keys are currently used:

Message Key


Possible Action


Error on validating fields

Generic validation error, verify all request parameters and fields


TransportUnit is missing the business key

The resource identifier must be verified


TransportUnit is missing the actual location (ERP Code)

Verify the identifying attribute passed to the API


TransportUnit is missing the type

Verify the identifying attribute passed to the API


Persistent Key of the Product is missing

Verify the identifying attribute passed to the API


SKU of the Product is missing

Verify the identifying attribute passed to the API


BaseUnit of the Product is missing

Verify the identifying attribute passed to the API


PackagingUnit with persistent identifier does not exist

The resource identifier must be verified


LoadUnit on TransportUnit does not exist and must be created but no LoadUnitType has been given

Verify the identifying attribute passed to the API


The Product does not exist and can’t be moved

Verify the Product to move exists on the Location


A overview of all used API resources with a description of their attributes. More information about the resource itself and the exposed functionality is mentioned in the chapters below.

Table 1. LoadUnitVO
Attribute Description


The persistent unique key of the LoadUnit


The business key of the TransportUnit


The position where the LoadUnit is physically located on the TransportUnit


An identifying label of the LoadUnit


The type of the LoadUnit


Whether the LoadUnit is locked for allocation or not


The Product the LoadUnit contains


The current length


The current width


The current height


The packagingUnits contained in the LoadUnit

Table 2. ProductVO
Attribute Description


Unique identifier of the Product


The Product’s SKU


Could be an identifying barcode label or RFID tag


The default UOM the Product is managed, i.e. PC (Piece)


A descriptive text


A Product may be accessible or not for any kind of processing


An arbitrary information to classify the Product, i.e. a hazardous product


An attribute to group products


Where this Product should be stored in stock


Alternative UOMs this Product can be packaged, i.e. PC (Piece), DOZ (Dozen)

Table 3. PackagingUnitVO
Attribute Description


The Product the PackagingUnit consists of


The amount of product items contained in the PackagingUnit


The actual physical length of the PackagingUnit


The LoadUnit the PackagingUnit is stored in


The actual Location of the PackagingUnit if directly stored on Locations


The physical dimension of the PackagingUnit


The actual weight of the the PackagingUnit


Describes how many of this kind of PackagingUnits fit into the current LoadUnit


Some hint where to find the PackagingUnit within the LoadUnit


Identifying serialnumber


The expiration date of the PackagingUnit


A collection of tags or labels assigned to the PackagingUnit

Table 4. LoadUnitDistributionVO
Attribute Description


How many PackagingUnits fit into one layer in a LoadUnit


How many layers of the PackagingUnit fit into a LoadUnit

Table 5. UnitTypeVO
Attribute Description


The actual amount of the unit of measure (UOM)


The unit of the UOM

Table 6. MessageVO
Attribute Description


An identifying number of the Message that can be used for translation


A descriptive message text

Table 7. StockZone
ENUM value Description


Product of high demand


Product of medium demand


Product of low demand

Table 8. AvailabilityState
ENUM value Description


Generally locked for automatic processing


Locked for quality check


Generally available


The initial HTTP request to retrieve information about all available resources looks like the following. The Index page is a public available resource and does not need any authentication.

GET /index HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080

The Index resource is returned in the response body with the response status of 200-OK. This main Index lists all primary resource entities to follow next.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 303

  "_links" : {
    "product-index" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/products/index"
    "load-unit-index" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/load-units/index"
    "packaging-unit-index" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/packaging-units/index"

A client application only needs to know about the agreed link names and follow the corresponding href link to navigate to further resources.


The Product is a representation of an article known and shipped within a warehouse. A Product is just a definition but not the physical article. In the real world a Product exists in a number of items, dimensions, liters or other units. Hence a Product is physically always tied to an amount, see PackagingUnits for more information.

Product Index (product-index)

The index with all possible operations can be retrieved with an GET request:

GET /v1/products/index HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080

The response lists all the operations with a name and the corresponding href link:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 583

  "_links" : {
    "products-findall" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/products"
    "products-findbysku" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/products?sku=ZS0002029"
    "products-findbyspkey" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/products/pKey"
    "products-findbyskuanduom" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/products?sku=ZS0002029&uom=PC"
    "products-create" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/products"
    "products-update" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/products"

Create Products (products-create)

New Products can be added to the catalog of existing ones by sending a POST request to the server with an array of Products. Those Products are often created by the ERP system, indirectly through a appropriate ERP Hostconnector. It is not unusual that this happens in a bulk operation with thousands of records at a time.

A request could look like this:

POST /v1/products HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1084
Host: localhost:8080

[ {
  "sku" : "NEW_PRODUCT",
  "label" : "EAN-label",
  "accountId" : "GM Account",
  "baseUnit" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1
  "description" : "Screws",
  "availabilityState" : "QC_LOCKED",
  "classification" : "ClassA",
  "group" : "inhouse",
  "stockZone" : "C",
  "units" : [ {
    "label" : "ean1",
    "quantity" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 8
    "dimension" : {
      "height" : 250,
      "length" : 400,
      "width" : 30,
      "uom" : "MM"
    "details" : {
      "piecesPerLayer" : "10",
      "numbersOfLayers" : "1",
      "carrierType" : "EURO"
  } ],
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 10,
    "length" : 20,
    "width" : 30,
    "uom" : "CM"
  "stackingRules" : [ {
    "noProducts" : 2,
    "allowedProduct" : {
      "sku" : "ZS0002029"
  } ],
  "details" : {
    "supplier" : "Westminster"
} ]

The mandatory fields of a new Product are: sku, baseUnit.

If the server has successfully created the demanded Product the response looks like:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://localhost:8080/v1/products/bde3bf25-92f4-4c3e-bfb4-c1dd190d565f/

Notice that the server sends back the LOCATION header to a created Product resource only in case one the request contained one new Product to create. If multiple Products have been created, there is no LOCATION header returned.

If the request could not been processed because of missing or invalid request data the server responds with:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 126

  "message" : "Error on validating fields: [[baseUnit]]",
  "messageKey" : "core.validation.error",
  "httpStatus" : "400"

Find all Products (products-findall)

To retrieve a list of all existing Products a client must send a GET request to the server:

GET /v1/products HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080

The response contains all existing Products:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1321

[ {
  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1",
  "sku" : "ZS0002029",
  "label" : "221156456666",
  "accountId" : "GM",
  "baseUnit" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1
  "overbookingAllowed" : true,
  "description" : "LiPo battery 12V 4400mAh",
  "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE",
  "classification" : "Hazardous",
  "group" : "Internal Goods",
  "stockZone" : "A",
  "units" : [ {
    "quantity" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 3
    "dimension" : {
      "height" : 150,
      "length" : 146,
      "width" : 25,
      "uom" : "MM"
    "details" : {
      "piecesPerLayer" : "10",
      "numbersOfLayers" : "1",
      "carrierType" : "EURO"
    "pKey" : "1"
  } ],
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 50,
    "length" : 146,
    "width" : 25,
    "uom" : "MM"
  "details" : {
    "fixed_supplier_id" : "GM_US"
}, {
  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "2",
  "sku" : "ZS0002030",
  "baseUnit" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1
  "overbookingAllowed" : true,
  "stockZone" : "A"
} ]

Find a Product by SKU (products-findbysku)

To find and return a Product identified by its SKU a client needs to query the resource by sku as query parameter in a GET request:

GET /v1/products?sku=ZS0002029 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080

The response contains either the Product if it exists:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 1050

  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1",
  "sku" : "ZS0002029",
  "label" : "221156456666",
  "accountId" : "GM",
  "baseUnit" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1
  "overbookingAllowed" : true,
  "description" : "LiPo battery 12V 4400mAh",
  "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE",
  "classification" : "Hazardous",
  "group" : "Internal Goods",
  "stockZone" : "A",
  "units" : [ {
    "quantity" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 3
    "dimension" : {
      "height" : 150,
      "length" : 146,
      "width" : 25,
      "uom" : "MM"
    "details" : {
      "piecesPerLayer" : "10",
      "numbersOfLayers" : "1",
      "carrierType" : "EURO"
    "pKey" : "1"
  } ],
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 50,
    "length" : 146,
    "width" : 25,
    "uom" : "MM"
  "details" : {
    "fixed_supplier_id" : "GM_US"
Path Type Description



The persistent unique key



The product id is the unique business key



An identifying label of the Product



The name of the Account the Product belongs to



Products may be defined with different base units



Must be one of the static values to identify the type of UOM



Must be one of the static values to identify the type of UOM



The amount



Textual descriptive text



The Product definition can be set to be unavailable for further operations



Products may be classified, ie. hazardous



Products may be grouped



Where the Product has to be placed in stock



Is it allowed to receive a higher quantity as expected/announced of this Product?



A Product can be packed and stored in different box sizes



The persistent key of the ProductUnit



Each unit must have the quantity defined how many items are in one item container



Each unit may have a different dimension



Arbitrary detail information on this product unit, might by populated with ERP information



The defined dimension of the Product in in’s baseUnit



The height



The length



The width



The Unit of Measure (UOM) of each dimension value



Arbitrary detail information on this product, might by populated with ERP information

or returns with a 404-NOT FOUND error response in case no Product with the given SKU exists:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 115

  "message" : "Product with SKU [UNKNOWN] does not exist",
  "messageKey" : "not.found",
  "httpStatus" : "404"

Find a Product by SKU and UOM (products-findbyskuanduom)

A Product may exist in different measurement flavors. One Product with one SKU but packed in different packaging types. For example, car tires with the SKU = ZS0002029 may exist in packages of always one piece and additionally in packages with 3x4 pieces (a Dozen). A client could be interested in finding the correct Product by SKU and UOM by sending a GET request with both as request parameters:

GET /v1/products?sku=ZS0002029&uom=3+PC HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080

If this Product with such an UOM exists, the server returns a 200-OK with the Product and all existing UOM relations.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 1890

  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1",
  "sku" : "ZS0002029",
  "label" : "221156456666",
  "accountId" : "GM",
  "baseUnit" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1
  "overbookingAllowed" : true,
  "description" : "LiPo battery 12V 4400mAh",
  "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE",
  "classification" : "Hazardous",
  "group" : "Internal Goods",
  "stockZone" : "A",
  "units" : [ {
    "quantity" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 3
    "dimension" : {
      "height" : 150,
      "length" : 146,
      "width" : 25,
      "uom" : "MM"
    "details" : {
      "piecesPerLayer" : "10",
      "numbersOfLayers" : "1",
      "carrierType" : "EURO"
    "pKey" : "1"
  }, {
    "quantity" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 3
    "dimension" : {
      "height" : 150,
      "length" : 146,
      "width" : 25,
      "uom" : "MM"
    "details" : {
      "piecesPerLayer" : "10",
      "numbersOfLayers" : "1",
      "carrierType" : "EURO"
    "pKey" : "1"
  }, {
    "quantity" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 3
    "dimension" : {
      "height" : 150,
      "length" : 146,
      "width" : 25,
      "uom" : "MM"
    "details" : {
      "piecesPerLayer" : "10",
      "numbersOfLayers" : "1",
      "carrierType" : "EURO"
    "pKey" : "1"
  } ],
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 50,
    "length" : 146,
    "width" : 25,
    "uom" : "MM"
  "details" : {
    "fixed_supplier_id" : "GM_US"

If the given UOM is not a valid one, like in this example Camels, the server responds with 404-NOT FOUND:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found

Allocate Products

A demanded amount of a Product can be reserved or allocated for picking or goods out. To do so, a client must call the allocation API to get back an array of objects that contain the TransportUnit, the LoadUnit and available quantity of the Product.

POST /allocation/transport-units HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 183
Host: localhost:8080

  "sku" : "ZS0002030",
  "qty" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000

The server responds with an array:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 360

[ {
  "transportUnitBK" : "00000000000000004711",
  "loadUnitPosition" : "1",
  "sku" : "ZS0002030",
  "actualErpCode" : "EXTERN",
  "qtyAllocated" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "reservationId" : "b4cebbaf-0495-4eda-ac7f-9136e115c805"
} ]


A LoadUnit is the thing that actually carries an amount of Products. This is done with the abstraction of PackagingUnits so that a LoadUnit carries one or more PackagingUnits where each of those encapsulate the amount of a Product. A LoadUnit can either be a virtual separation of a TransportUnit, a separated area on top of the TransportUnit or even a physical box on the TransportUnit.

LoadUnit Index (lu-index)

The index with all possible operations on LoadUnits can be retrieved with an GET request to the LoadUnits resource:

GET /v1/load-units/index HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080

The response lists all the operations with a name and the corresponding href link:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 577

  "_links" : {
    "lu-divide" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/transport-unit?transportUnitBK=%7BtransportUnitBK%7D&loadUnitType=%7BloadUnitType%7D&parts=4",
      "type" : "POST"
    "lu-findbypkey" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/load-units/%7BpKey%7D",
      "type" : "GET"
    "lu-findpuinlu" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/load-units/%7BpKey%7D/packaging-units",
      "type" : "GET"
    "lu-putproductinto" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/load-units/%7BpKey%7D",
      "type" : "PUT"

Divide a TransportUnit into multiple LoadUnits (lu-divide)

An existing TransportUnit can be split or divided into multiple LoadUnits in the simplest way by just giving the number of LoadUnits to create on top of the TransportUnit and the type of LoadUnit.

POST /v1/transport-unit HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


If the server has fulfilled the operation successfully the response is:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

If the server could not process the request successfully because the TransportUnit is already divided into multiple LoadUnits the response states this:

HTTP/1.1 409 Conflict
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 267

  "message" : "The TransportUnit with the Barcode [00000000000000004711] is already divided, try to add other LoadUnits instead",
  "messageKey" : "owms.wms.inv.tu.alreadyDivided",
  "obj" : [ "00000000000000004711" ],
  "httpStatus" : "409",
  "class" : "String"

Find LoadUnit by persistent key (lu-findbypkey)

A client can lookup a LoadUnit by its persistent key. Therefore a GET request to the resource is required:

GET /v1/load-units/1009 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080

If the server can identify the resource it is returned in the response body:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 1012

  "_links" : {
    "packaging-units" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/load-units/1009/packaging-units"
  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1009",
  "transportUnitBK" : "00000000000000004720",
  "physicalPosition" : "1",
  "label" : "ID_1009",
  "type" : "EURO",
  "locked" : false,
  "product" : {
    "pKey" : "1",
    "sku" : "ZS0002029",
    "label" : "221156456666",
    "accountId" : "GM",
    "baseUnit" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 1
    "description" : "LiPo battery 12V 4400mAh",
    "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE",
    "classification" : "Hazardous",
    "group" : "Internal Goods",
    "stockZone" : "A",
    "dimension" : {
      "height" : 50,
      "length" : 146,
      "width" : 25,
      "uom" : "MM"
    "details" : {
      "fixed_supplier_id" : "GM_US"
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 144,
    "length" : 1200,
    "width" : 800
Path Type Description



The persistent unique key



The business key of the TransportUnit



The position where the LoadUnit is physically located on the TransportUnit



An identifying label of the LoadUnit



The type of the LoadUnit



Whether the LoadUnit is locked for allocation or not



The Product that the LoadUnit contains



The current dimension of the LoadUnit



The current height of the LoadUnit



The current width of the LoadUnit



The current length of the LoadUnit



An array with hyperlinks to corresponding resources



Hyperlink to the PackagingUnits contained in the LoadUnit

If no LoadUnit with that persistent key exists a 404-NOT FOUND is returned.

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 201

  "message" : "LoadUnit with persistent identifier [UNKNOWN] does not exist",
  "messageKey" : "",
  "obj" : [ "UNKNOWN" ],
  "httpStatus" : "404",
  "class" : "String"

Find PackagingUnits in LoadUnit (lu-findpuinlu)

To find all PackagingUnits in a LoadUnit a client must send a GET request to the identified LoadUnit resource:

GET /v1/load-units/1009/packaging-units HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080

If the server can identify the resource it is returned in the response body:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1252

[ {
  "product" : {
    "ol" : 0,
    "overbookingAllowed" : true,
    "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE",
    "details" : {
      "fixed_supplier_id" : "GM_US"
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1009",
  "serialNumber" : "XY00A1F8ED49",
  "state" : "AVAILABLE",
  "loadUnit" : {
    "ol" : 0,
    "pKey" : "1009",
    "transportUnitBK" : "00000000000000004720",
    "physicalPosition" : "1",
    "label" : "ID_1009",
    "type" : "EURO",
    "locked" : false,
    "product" : {
      "ol" : 0,
      "overbookingAllowed" : true,
      "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE",
      "details" : {
        "fixed_supplier_id" : "GM_US"
    "dimension" : {
      "height" : 144,
      "length" : 1200,
      "width" : 800
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 10,
    "length" : 15,
    "width" : 12
  "weight" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Weight",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.WeightUnit", "G" ],
    "magnitude" : 400
  "distribution" : {
    "piecesPerLayer" : 5333,
    "numberOfLayers" : 14,
    "carrierType" : "EURO"
} ]

Reserve a LoadUnit for a Product (lu-put-product)

LoadUnits may contain different types of Products or are limited to carry only one type of Product - this is a matter of configuration. To assign or reserve a LoadUnit to a specific type of Product a client can send a POST request to enforce this assignment. If the system is configured in the way that only same Products are allowed on LoadUnits, the server may reject the request in case the LoadUnit is already assigned to or carries PackagingUnits of a different type.

A client request to ask for a Product assignment is a PUT request that refers to the LoadUnit and contains the product data in the request body:

PUT /v1/load-units/1000 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 185
Host: localhost:8080

  "sku" : "ZS0002029",
  "baseUnit" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1

If the server has successfully assigned the Product to the LoadUnit the response looks like:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

If the request could not been processed successfully because the server denied the assignment, the response looks like:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 250

  "message" : "The LoadUnit [1001] has already a Product [ZS0002029] assigned and cannot be loaded a second time",
  "messageKey" : "",
  "obj" : [ "1001", "ZS0002029" ],
  "httpStatus" : "400",
  "class" : "String"


A PackagingUnit represents an amount of a Product. This is a physical pack of some amount of an article, like a pack of 100 screws or 1 gallon of motor oil. Using PackagingUnits in warehouses is a benefit, even there is this extra resource that needs to be managed. A simple warehouse could also be designed only with LoadUnits on TransportUnits without PackagingUnits but in most projects it makes sense to have an amount of PackagingUnits within a LoadUnit and perhaps multiple LoadUnits on top of a TransportUnit.

PackagingUnit Index (packaging-unit-index)

The index with all possible operations on PackagingUnits can be retrieved with an GET request to the root resource:

GET /v1/packaging-units/index HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080

The response lists all the operations with a name and the corresponding href link:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 2448

  "_links" : {
    "packaging-units-create" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/transport-units/%7BtransportUnitBK%7D/load-units/%7BluPos%7D/packaging-units?loadUnitType=%7BloadUnitType%7D",
      "type" : "POST"
    "packaging-units-createonlocation" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/packaging-units",
      "type" : "POST"
    "packaging-units-deleteonlocation" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/packaging-units",
      "type" : "DELETE"
    "packaging-units-findbypkey" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/packaging-units/%7BpKey%7D",
      "type" : "GET"
    "packaging-units-findforproduct" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/packaging-units?sku=%7Bsku%7D&amount=%7Bamount%7D&sortDirection=%7Basc%7D&sortProperty=%7BcreateDt%7D",
      "type" : "GET"
    "packaging-units-findforproductinlg" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/packaging-units?productPKey=%7BproductPKey%7D&locationGroupName=%7BlocationGroupName%7D&sortDirection=%7Basc%7D&sortProperty=%7BcreateDt%7D",
      "type" : "GET"
    "packaging-units-findontu" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/transport-units/%7BtransportUnitBK%7D/load-units/packaging-units",
      "type" : "GET"
    "packaging-units-findontuandlu" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/transport-units/%7BtransportUnitBK%7D/load-units/%7BluPos%7D/packaging-units",
      "type" : "GET"
    "packaging-units-movebetweenlocations" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/packaging-units/move-between-locations",
      "type" : "PUT"
    "packaging-units-movefromlocationtoloadunit" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/packaging-units/move-to-load-unit",
      "type" : "PUT"
    "packaging-units-movepuquantity" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/transport-units/%7BtransportUnitBK%7D/load-units/%7BluPos%7D/packaging-units",
      "type" : "PUT"
    "packaging-units-releasepu" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/packaging-units/%7BpKey%7D/release",
      "type" : "POST"
    "packaging-units-reportproblemforpuinlu" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/transport-units/%7BtransportUnitBK%7D/load-units/%7BluPos%7D/packaging-units/failures",
      "type" : "POST"
    "packaging-units-update" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/packaging-units/%7BpKey%7D",
      "type" : "PUT"

Create a new PackagingUnit (packaging-units-create)

A PackagingUnit can be created within an existing LoadUnit on a TransportUnit. Therefore a client sends a POST request with the identifying information for the LoadUnit and the required PackagingUnit as part of the request body to the server:

POST /v1/transport-units/00000000000000004711/load-units/1/packaging-units HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 254
Host: localhost:8080

  "packagingUnits" : [ {
    "product" : {
      "sku" : "ZS0002029"
    "quantity" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 1
  } ]
Path Type Description



The Product the PackagingUnit consists of



The Product unique business key combined with the base unit



The amount of product items contained in the PackagingUnit

If the server has created the PackagingUnit successfully a 201-CREATED is returned with a LOCATION header to the new resource (see Find a PackagingUnit by persistent key (packaging-units-findbypkey)):

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

It is also possible to create a PackagingUnit in a LoadUnit that does not exist so far. In this case the LoadUnit is created, too. The request looks similar to the one above but with the identifier of the new LoadUnit to create and the additional required parameter loadUnitType:

POST /v1/transport-units/00000000000000004711/load-units/3/packaging-units?loadUnitType=EURO HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 254
Host: localhost:8080

  "packagingUnits" : [ {
    "product" : {
      "sku" : "ZS0002029"
    "quantity" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 1
  } ]

The server successfully responds with:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created

If the loadUnitType is not set and the LoadUnit does not already exist, the server can’t create the LoadUnit and returns an error:

HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 255

  "message" : "LoadUnit [4] on TransportUnit [4711] does not exist and must be created but no LoadUnitType has been given",
  "messageKey" : "owms.wms.inv.pu.loadUnitTypeMissing",
  "obj" : [ "4", "4711" ],
  "httpStatus" : "400",
  "class" : "String"

Create a new PackagingUnit on a Location (packaging-units-createonlocation)

Instead of creating a PackagingUnit directly in a LoadUnit it is also possible to create it on some Location without a reference to a LoadUnit or a TransportUnit. This is often useful when material is directly put on Locations without carriers. To do so a client sends a POST request to the PackagingUnits resource with the representation of the PackagingUnit in the request body:

POST /v1/packaging-units HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 300
Host: localhost:8080

  "product" : {
    "sku" : "ZS0002029"
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1
  "actualLocation" : {
    "links" : [ ],
    "locationId" : "EXT_/0000/0000/0000/0000"
Path Type Description



The Product the PackagingUnit consists of



The Product unique business key combined with the base unit



The amount of product items contained in the PackagingUnit



The actual Location where the PackagingUnit is created on



The Location identifier

If the PackagingUnit has been created successfully, the server responds with the URI to the new resource in the header:

HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: http://localhost:8080/v1/packaging-units/740259dc-3617-487c-a2c9-dc808bbb66d9

Find a PackagingUnit by persistent key (packaging-units-findbypkey)

A PackagingUnit can be looked up with a GET request and its unique persistent key.

GET /v1/packaging-units/1000 HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080

If the PackagingUnit exists the server responds with a 200-OK and the resource in the response body. If no PackagingUnit with that key exists the server responds with a 404-NOT FOUND.

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 993

  "product" : {
    "pKey" : "2",
    "sku" : "ZS0002030",
    "baseUnit" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 1
    "stockZone" : "A"
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1000",
  "serialNumber" : "XY00A1F8ED40",
  "expiresAt" : "2023-08-21T16:15:59Z",
  "state" : "AVAILABLE",
  "loadUnit" : {
    "ol" : 0,
    "pKey" : "1000",
    "transportUnitBK" : "00000000000000004711",
    "physicalPosition" : "1",
    "label" : "ID_1000",
    "type" : "EURO",
    "locked" : false
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 10,
    "length" : 15,
    "width" : 12
  "weight" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Weight",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.WeightUnit", "G" ],
    "magnitude" : 400
Path Type Description



The persistent identifier of the PackingUnit



The availability state of the PackingUnit



The Product the PackagingUnit consists of



The persistent identifier of the Product



The Product unique business key combined with the base unit



The Products defined base unit. A Product could have different base units for the same SKU



Where this product has to be placed in stock



The comprising LoadUnit the PackagingUnit is stored in.



The amount of product items contained in the PackagingUnit



The actual physical dimension of the PackagingUnit



The actual physical width of the PackagingUnit



The actual physical height of the PackagingUnit



The actual physical length of the PackagingUnit



(Optional) An unique serialnumber



(Optional) The expiration date

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 206

  "message" : "PackagingUnit with persistent identifier [UNKNOWN] does not exist",
  "messageKey" : "owms.wms.inv.pu.pKeyNotExists",
  "obj" : [ "UNKNOWN" ],
  "httpStatus" : "404",
  "class" : "String"

Find all PackagingUnits on a TransportUnit (packaging-units-findontu)

To find all PackagingUnits in all LoadUnits that are currently placed on a particular TransportUnit, a client needs to query for the secondary resources of the TransportUnitLoadUnitPackagingUnit.

GET /v1/transport-units/00000000000000004711/load-units/packaging-units HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.openwms.packaging-unit-v1+json
Host: localhost:8080

If one or more PackagingUnits exist on LoadUnits on top of the TransportUnit the server responds with an array of. In this case the client requested a representation of application/vnd.openwms.packaging-unit-v1+json, that is responded:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.openwms.packaging-unit-v1+json
Content-Length: 2432

[ {
  "product" : {
    "sku" : "ZS0002030",
    "baseUnit" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 1
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "links" : [ {
    "rel" : "loadUnit",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/load-units/1000"
  }, {
    "rel" : "transportUnit",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/transport-units/1000"
  }, {
    "rel" : "product",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/products/2"
  } ],
  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1000",
  "serialNumber" : "XY00A1F8ED40",
  "expiresAt" : "2023-08-21T16:16:01Z",
  "state" : "AVAILABLE",
  "loadUnit" : {
    "ol" : 0,
    "pKey" : "1000",
    "transportUnitBK" : "00000000000000004711",
    "physicalPosition" : "1",
    "label" : "ID_1000",
    "type" : "EURO",
    "locked" : false
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 10,
    "length" : 15,
    "width" : 12
  "weight" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Weight",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.WeightUnit", "G" ],
    "magnitude" : 400
}, {
  "product" : {
    "sku" : "ZS0002030",
    "baseUnit" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 1
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "links" : [ {
    "rel" : "loadUnit",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/load-units/1000"
  }, {
    "rel" : "transportUnit",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/transport-units/1000"
  }, {
    "rel" : "product",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/products/2"
  } ],
  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1001",
  "serialNumber" : "XY00A1F8ED41",
  "state" : "AVAILABLE",
  "loadUnit" : {
    "ol" : 0,
    "pKey" : "1000",
    "transportUnitBK" : "00000000000000004711",
    "physicalPosition" : "1",
    "label" : "ID_1000",
    "type" : "EURO",
    "locked" : false
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 10,
    "length" : 15,
    "width" : 12
  "weight" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Weight",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.WeightUnit", "G" ],
    "magnitude" : 400
} ]

Find PackagingUnits of a Product (packaging-units-findforproduct)

A client might want to find PackagingUnits on a TransportUnit that are available and not already allocated by any orders or tasks in order to reserve them for allocation. Therefore a client sends a GET request with the TransportUnit’s identifier and the Product SKU to search for. The client may also limit the number of returned values by giving an amount parameter and a sort direction.

The request to the server may look like this:

GET /v1/packaging-units?sku=ZS0002029&amount=10&sortDirection=desc&sortProperty=createDt HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.openwms.packaging-unit-v1+json
Host: localhost:8080

The server responds with a list of entities currently not blocked in allocation:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.openwms.packaging-unit-v1+json
Content-Length: 5077

[ {
  "product" : {
    "sku" : "ZS0002029",
    "label" : "221156456666",
    "baseUnit" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 1
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "links" : [ {
    "rel" : "loadUnit",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/load-units/1008"
  }, {
    "rel" : "transportUnit",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/transport-units/1008"
  }, {
    "rel" : "product",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/products/1"
  } ],
  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1008",
  "serialNumber" : "XY00A1F8ED48",
  "state" : "AVAILABLE",
  "loadUnit" : {
    "ol" : 0,
    "pKey" : "1008",
    "transportUnitBK" : "00000000000000004719",
    "physicalPosition" : "1",
    "label" : "ID_1008",
    "type" : "EURO",
    "locked" : false,
    "product" : {
      "pKey" : "1",
      "sku" : "ZS0002029",
      "label" : "221156456666",
      "accountId" : "GM",
      "baseUnit" : {
        "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
        "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
        "magnitude" : 1
      "description" : "LiPo battery 12V 4400mAh",
      "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE",
      "classification" : "Hazardous",
      "group" : "Internal Goods",
      "stockZone" : "A",
      "dimension" : {
        "height" : 50,
        "length" : 146,
        "width" : 25,
        "uom" : "MM"
      "details" : {
        "fixed_supplier_id" : "GM_US"
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 10,
    "length" : 15,
    "width" : 12
  "weight" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Weight",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.WeightUnit", "G" ],
    "magnitude" : 400
}, {
  "product" : {
    "sku" : "ZS0002029",
    "label" : "221156456666",
    "baseUnit" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 1
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "links" : [ {
    "rel" : "loadUnit",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/load-units/1009"
  }, {
    "rel" : "transportUnit",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/transport-units/1009"
  }, {
    "rel" : "product",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/products/1"
  } ],
  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1009",
  "serialNumber" : "XY00A1F8ED49",
  "state" : "AVAILABLE",
  "loadUnit" : {
    "ol" : 0,
    "pKey" : "1009",
    "transportUnitBK" : "00000000000000004720",
    "physicalPosition" : "1",
    "label" : "ID_1009",
    "type" : "EURO",
    "locked" : false,
    "product" : {
      "pKey" : "1",
      "sku" : "ZS0002029",
      "label" : "221156456666",
      "accountId" : "GM",
      "baseUnit" : {
        "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
        "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
        "magnitude" : 1
      "description" : "LiPo battery 12V 4400mAh",
      "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE",
      "classification" : "Hazardous",
      "group" : "Internal Goods",
      "stockZone" : "A",
      "dimension" : {
        "height" : 50,
        "length" : 146,
        "width" : 25,
        "uom" : "MM"
      "details" : {
        "fixed_supplier_id" : "GM_US"
    "dimension" : {
      "height" : 144,
      "length" : 1200,
      "width" : 800
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 10,
    "length" : 15,
    "width" : 12
  "weight" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Weight",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.WeightUnit", "G" ],
    "magnitude" : 400
}, {
  "product" : {
    "sku" : "ZS0002029",
    "label" : "221156456666",
    "baseUnit" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 1
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "links" : [ {
    "rel" : "product",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/products/1"
  } ],
  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1010",
  "serialNumber" : "XY00A1F8ED50",
  "state" : "AVAILABLE",
  "actualLocation" : {
    "links" : [ ],
    "pKey" : "1009",
    "locationId" : "PL__/0003/0001/0001/0001",
    "locationGroupName" : "AISLE2",
    "incomingActive" : true,
    "outgoingActive" : false,
    "plcState" : 0,
    "erpCode" : "PL03010101",
    "description" : "Pickplatz",
    "noMaxTransportUnits" : 10
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 10,
    "length" : 15,
    "width" : 12
  "weight" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Weight",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.WeightUnit", "G" ],
    "magnitude" : 400
} ]

Find available PackagingUnits in a LocationGroup (packaging-units-findforproductinlg)

To search for PackagingUnits of a given Product within a particular LocationGroup a client could send a GET request to the PackagingUnits resource with the product to search for and the name of the LocationGroup as request parameter. This is often useful to search for available material in a warehouse.

The request to the server may look like this:

GET /v1/packaging-units?productPKey=2&locationGroupName=AISLE1&sortDirection=desc&sortProperty=createDt HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/vnd.openwms.packaging-unit-v1+json
Host: localhost:8080
Parameter Description


The persistent identifier of the Product


The unique name of the LocationGroup


Either ASC or DESC


The property name to sort for

The server responds with a list of entities currently available for allocation and transportation:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/vnd.openwms.packaging-unit-v1+json
Content-Length: 5642

[ {
  "product" : {
    "sku" : "ZS0002030",
    "baseUnit" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 1
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "links" : [ {
    "rel" : "loadUnit",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/load-units/1002"
  }, {
    "rel" : "transportUnit",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/transport-units/1002"
  }, {
    "rel" : "product",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/products/2"
  } ],
  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1002",
  "serialNumber" : "XY00A1F8ED42",
  "state" : "AVAILABLE",
  "loadUnit" : {
    "ol" : 0,
    "pKey" : "1002",
    "transportUnitBK" : "00000000000000004713",
    "physicalPosition" : "1",
    "label" : "ID_1002",
    "type" : "EURO",
    "locked" : false,
    "product" : {
      "pKey" : "1",
      "sku" : "ZS0002029",
      "label" : "221156456666",
      "accountId" : "GM",
      "baseUnit" : {
        "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
        "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
        "magnitude" : 1
      "description" : "LiPo battery 12V 4400mAh",
      "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE",
      "classification" : "Hazardous",
      "group" : "Internal Goods",
      "stockZone" : "A",
      "dimension" : {
        "height" : 50,
        "length" : 146,
        "width" : 25,
        "uom" : "MM"
      "details" : {
        "fixed_supplier_id" : "GM_US"
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 10,
    "length" : 15,
    "width" : 12
  "weight" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Weight",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.WeightUnit", "G" ],
    "magnitude" : 400
}, {
  "product" : {
    "sku" : "ZS0002030",
    "baseUnit" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 1
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "links" : [ {
    "rel" : "loadUnit",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/load-units/1004"
  }, {
    "rel" : "transportUnit",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/transport-units/1004"
  }, {
    "rel" : "product",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/products/2"
  } ],
  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1004",
  "serialNumber" : "XY00A1F8ED44",
  "state" : "AVAILABLE",
  "loadUnit" : {
    "ol" : 0,
    "pKey" : "1004",
    "transportUnitBK" : "00000000000000004715",
    "physicalPosition" : "1",
    "label" : "ID_1004",
    "type" : "EURO",
    "locked" : false,
    "product" : {
      "pKey" : "1",
      "sku" : "ZS0002029",
      "label" : "221156456666",
      "accountId" : "GM",
      "baseUnit" : {
        "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
        "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
        "magnitude" : 1
      "description" : "LiPo battery 12V 4400mAh",
      "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE",
      "classification" : "Hazardous",
      "group" : "Internal Goods",
      "stockZone" : "A",
      "dimension" : {
        "height" : 50,
        "length" : 146,
        "width" : 25,
        "uom" : "MM"
      "details" : {
        "fixed_supplier_id" : "GM_US"
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 10,
    "length" : 15,
    "width" : 12
  "weight" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Weight",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.WeightUnit", "G" ],
    "magnitude" : 400
}, {
  "product" : {
    "sku" : "ZS0002030",
    "baseUnit" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 1
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "links" : [ {
    "rel" : "loadUnit",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/load-units/1005"
  }, {
    "rel" : "transportUnit",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/transport-units/1005"
  }, {
    "rel" : "product",
    "href" : "http://localhost:8080/v1/products/2"
  } ],
  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1005",
  "serialNumber" : "XY00A1F8ED45",
  "state" : "AVAILABLE",
  "loadUnit" : {
    "ol" : 0,
    "pKey" : "1005",
    "transportUnitBK" : "00000000000000004716",
    "physicalPosition" : "1",
    "label" : "ID_1005",
    "type" : "EURO",
    "locked" : false,
    "product" : {
      "pKey" : "1",
      "sku" : "ZS0002029",
      "label" : "221156456666",
      "accountId" : "GM",
      "baseUnit" : {
        "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
        "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
        "magnitude" : 1
      "description" : "LiPo battery 12V 4400mAh",
      "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE",
      "classification" : "Hazardous",
      "group" : "Internal Goods",
      "stockZone" : "A",
      "dimension" : {
        "height" : 50,
        "length" : 146,
        "width" : 25,
        "uom" : "MM"
      "details" : {
        "fixed_supplier_id" : "GM_US"
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 10,
    "length" : 15,
    "width" : 12
  "weight" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Weight",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.WeightUnit", "G" ],
    "magnitude" : 400
} ]

The response contains links to comprising LoadUnits and TransportUnits, because the requested resource was of type application/vnd.openwms.packaging-unit-v1+json. If the Accept header with the requested resource representation is omitted the server responds with a simple form without any links:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 2966

[ {
  "product" : {
    "ol" : 0,
    "overbookingAllowed" : true,
    "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE"
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1002",
  "serialNumber" : "XY00A1F8ED42",
  "state" : "AVAILABLE",
  "loadUnit" : {
    "ol" : 0,
    "pKey" : "1002",
    "transportUnitBK" : "00000000000000004713",
    "physicalPosition" : "1",
    "label" : "ID_1002",
    "type" : "EURO",
    "locked" : false,
    "product" : {
      "ol" : 0,
      "overbookingAllowed" : true,
      "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE",
      "details" : {
        "fixed_supplier_id" : "GM_US"
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 10,
    "length" : 15,
    "width" : 12
  "weight" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Weight",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.WeightUnit", "G" ],
    "magnitude" : 400
}, {
  "product" : {
    "ol" : 0,
    "overbookingAllowed" : true,
    "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE"
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1004",
  "serialNumber" : "XY00A1F8ED44",
  "state" : "AVAILABLE",
  "loadUnit" : {
    "ol" : 0,
    "pKey" : "1004",
    "transportUnitBK" : "00000000000000004715",
    "physicalPosition" : "1",
    "label" : "ID_1004",
    "type" : "EURO",
    "locked" : false,
    "product" : {
      "ol" : 0,
      "overbookingAllowed" : true,
      "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE",
      "details" : {
        "fixed_supplier_id" : "GM_US"
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 10,
    "length" : 15,
    "width" : 12
  "weight" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Weight",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.WeightUnit", "G" ],
    "magnitude" : 400
}, {
  "product" : {
    "ol" : 0,
    "overbookingAllowed" : true,
    "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE"
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1005",
  "serialNumber" : "XY00A1F8ED45",
  "state" : "AVAILABLE",
  "loadUnit" : {
    "ol" : 0,
    "pKey" : "1005",
    "transportUnitBK" : "00000000000000004716",
    "physicalPosition" : "1",
    "label" : "ID_1005",
    "type" : "EURO",
    "locked" : false,
    "product" : {
      "ol" : 0,
      "overbookingAllowed" : true,
      "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE",
      "details" : {
        "fixed_supplier_id" : "GM_US"
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 10,
    "length" : 15,
    "width" : 12
  "weight" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Weight",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.WeightUnit", "G" ],
    "magnitude" : 400
} ]

Move PackagingUnits

To update a PackagingUnit resource a PUT request is required. This update function can be used to achieve several goals.

Move a PackagingUnit from a LoadUnit to a Location (packaging-units-update) XXXX

A PackagingUnit that is currently on a LoadUnit can be moved off the LoadUnit directly to a Location. Therefore the request body must contain the actualLocation to move the PackagingUnit to. If a quantity is given in the request body, only that quantity (or less) is being moved. Existing PackagingUnits might be split into parts.

PUT /v1/packaging-units/1000 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 322
Host: localhost:8080

  "product" : {
    "sku" : "ZS0002030"
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "pKey" : "1000",
  "actualLocation" : {
    "links" : [ ],
    "locationId" : "PL__/0001/0001/0001/0001"

If the PackagingUnit has been moved off the LoadUnit the responds looks like:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 1065

  "product" : {
    "pKey" : "2",
    "sku" : "ZS0002030",
    "baseUnit" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 1
    "stockZone" : "A"
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1000",
  "serialNumber" : "XY00A1F8ED40",
  "expiresAt" : "2023-08-21T16:16:00Z",
  "state" : "AVAILABLE",
  "actualLocation" : {
    "pKey" : "1001",
    "locationId" : "PL__/0001/0001/0001/0001",
    "locationGroupName" : "AISLE1",
    "incomingActive" : true,
    "outgoingActive" : true,
    "plcState" : 0,
    "description" : "Pickplatz",
    "noMaxTransportUnits" : 10
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 10,
    "length" : 15,
    "width" : 12
  "weight" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Weight",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.WeightUnit", "G" ],
    "magnitude" : 400

Move a PackagingUnit from one LoadUnit to another LoadUnit (packaging-units-update)

A PackagingUnit can be moved from one LoadUnit to another. Therefore the request body must contain the LoadUnit to move the identified PackagingUnit to. If no quantity is given in the request body the whole PackagingUnit of the is moved. Otherwise the existing PackagingUnit might be split into parts.

PUT /v1/packaging-units/1008 HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 371
Host: localhost:8080

  "product" : {
    "sku" : "ZS0002029"
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "pKey" : "1008",
  "loadUnit" : {
    "pKey" : "1009",
    "transportUnitBK" : "00000000000000004720",
    "physicalPosition" : "1",
    "locked" : false

If the PackagingUnit has been moved to another LoadUnit the responds looks like:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json
Content-Length: 2109

  "product" : {
    "pKey" : "1",
    "sku" : "ZS0002029",
    "label" : "221156456666",
    "accountId" : "GM",
    "baseUnit" : {
      "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
      "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
      "magnitude" : 1
    "description" : "LiPo battery 12V 4400mAh",
    "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE",
    "classification" : "Hazardous",
    "group" : "Internal Goods",
    "stockZone" : "A",
    "dimension" : {
      "height" : 50,
      "length" : 146,
      "width" : 25,
      "uom" : "MM"
    "details" : {
      "fixed_supplier_id" : "GM_US"
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "ol" : 0,
  "pKey" : "1008",
  "serialNumber" : "XY00A1F8ED48",
  "state" : "AVAILABLE",
  "loadUnit" : {
    "ol" : 0,
    "pKey" : "1009",
    "transportUnitBK" : "00000000000000004720",
    "physicalPosition" : "1",
    "label" : "ID_1009",
    "type" : "EURO",
    "locked" : false,
    "product" : {
      "pKey" : "1",
      "sku" : "ZS0002029",
      "label" : "221156456666",
      "accountId" : "GM",
      "baseUnit" : {
        "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
        "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
        "magnitude" : 1
      "description" : "LiPo battery 12V 4400mAh",
      "availabilityState" : "AVAILABLE",
      "classification" : "Hazardous",
      "group" : "Internal Goods",
      "stockZone" : "A",
      "dimension" : {
        "height" : 50,
        "length" : 146,
        "width" : 25,
        "uom" : "MM"
      "details" : {
        "fixed_supplier_id" : "GM_US"
    "dimension" : {
      "height" : 144,
      "length" : 1200,
      "width" : 800
  "dimension" : {
    "height" : 10,
    "length" : 15,
    "width" : 12
  "weight" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Weight",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.WeightUnit", "G" ],
    "magnitude" : 400

Move Quantities of a Product

Dedicated endpoints exist to move quantities of a Product between Locations, LoadUnits or between each other.

Move a Quantity from one Location to another Location (packaging-units-movebetweenlocations)

A PackagingUnits quantity can be moved from the one Location to another Location. Therefore the request body must contain the actualLocation from where to move the quantity and the targetLocation. If no quantity is given in the request body all PackagingUnits of the Product are moved. Existing PackagingUnits might be split into parts.

PUT /v1/packaging-units/move-between-locations HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 396
Host: localhost:8080

  "product" : {
    "sku" : "ZS0002030"
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "actualLocation" : {
    "links" : [ ],
    "locationId" : "EXT_/0000/0000/0000/0000"
  "targetLocation" : {
    "links" : [ ],
    "locationId" : "PL__/0001/0001/0001/0001"

If the quantity has been moved to the new Location the responds with:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Move a Quantity from a Location to a LoadUnit (packaging-units-movefromlocationtoloadunit)

A PackagingUnits quantity can be moved from a Location to a LoadUnit. Therefore the request body must contain the actual Location and the identifier of the LoadUnit where to move to. If no quantity is given in the request body all PackagingUnits of the Product are moved. Existing PackagingUnits might be split into parts.

PUT /v1/packaging-units/move-to-load-unit HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 372
Host: localhost:8080

  "product" : {
    "sku" : "ZS0002029"
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "targetTransportUnitBK" : "00000000000000004711",
  "targetLoadUnitPosition" : "2",
  "actualLocation" : {
    "links" : [ ],
    "erpCode" : "PL03010101"

If the quantity has been moved to a Location the responds looks like:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Move a Quantity from one LoadUnit to another LoadUnit (packaging-units-movepuquantity)

A PackagingUnits quantity can be moved from a LoadUnit to another. Therefore the request body must contain the LoadUnit to move the PackagingUnit to. If no quantity is given in the request body all PackagingUnits of the Product are moved. Existing PackagingUnits might be split into parts.

PUT /v1/transport-units/00000000000000004711/load-units/1/packaging-units HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 296
Host: localhost:8080

  "product" : {
    "sku" : "ZS0002030"
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "targetTransportUnitBK" : "00000000000000004711",
  "targetLoadUnitPosition" : "2"

If the quantity has been moved to another LoadUnit the responds looks like:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

Move a Quantity from a LoadUnit to a Location (packaging-units-movepuquantity)

A PackagingUnits quantity can be moved from a LoadUnit to a Location. Therefore the request body must contain the Location where to move the PackagingUnits to. If no quantity is given in the request body all PackagingUnits of the Product are moved. Existing PackagingUnits might be split into parts.

PUT /v1/transport-units/00000000000000004711/load-units/1/packaging-units HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 303
Host: localhost:8080

  "product" : {
    "sku" : "ZS0002030"
  "quantity" : {
    "@class" : "org.openwms.core.units.api.Piece",
    "unitType" : [ "org.openwms.core.units.api.PieceUnit", "PC" ],
    "magnitude" : 1000
  "actualLocation" : {
    "links" : [ ],
    "locationId" : "EXT_/0000/0000/0000/0000"

If the quantity has been moved to a Location the responds looks like:

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content