Class TransportationFacade

All Implemented Interfaces:

@Transactional @Component class TransportationFacade extends Object implements TransportOrderApi
A TransportationFacade is a transactional Spring managed bean that is independent from the used API exporter pattern.
Heiko Scherrer
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • createTO

      @Measured public void createTO(String barcode, String target)
      Create a TransportOrder for a TransportUnit identified by the given barcode to the given target.
      Specified by:
      createTO in interface TransportOrderApi
      barcode - The business identifier of the TransportUnit
      target - Either a Location of a LocationGroup
    • createTO

      @Measured public void createTO(String barcode, String target, String priority)
      Create a TransportOrder for a TransportUnit identified by the given barcode to the given target and the given priority.
      Specified by:
      createTO in interface TransportOrderApi
      barcode - The business identifier of the TransportUnit
      target - Either a Location of a LocationGroup
      priority - The priority of the TransportOrder
    • changeState

      @Measured public void changeState(String pKey, String state)
      Request to change the state of an existing TransportOrder.
      Specified by:
      changeState in interface TransportOrderApi
      pKey - The persistent key of the TransportOrder (not the primary key)
      state - The requested TransportOrder state
    • updateTO

      @Measured public void updateTO(String pKey, UpdateTransportOrderVO vo)
      Request to update an existing TransportOrder.
      Specified by:
      updateTO in interface TransportOrderApi
      pKey - The persistent key of the TransportOrder (not the primary key)
      vo - The minimal necessary structure of the change set
    • findBy

      @Measured public List<TransportOrderVO> findBy(String barcode, String state)
      Find and return all TransportOrders in a particular state for the TransportUnit with the given barcode.
      Specified by:
      findBy in interface TransportOrderApi
      barcode - The business identifier of the TransportUnit
      state - The TransportOrder state
      A List implementation of the result instances, never null
    • findByPKey

      @Measured public TransportOrderVO findByPKey(String pKey)
      Find and return a TransportOrder identified by its persistent key.
      Specified by:
      findByPKey in interface TransportOrderApi
      pKey - The persistent key of the TransportOrder (not the primary key)
      The instance