All Classes and Interfaces
An Action declares what needs to be done (executed) in case an event or trigger occurs at a given Location or LocationGroup.
A ActionMapper.
A ActionRepository.
A ActionResource.
A ActionVO.
A ActivitiMatrix.
A AmqpResponder.
A CacheJanitor is used to evict caches.
A CommConstants.
A CommPackage.
A ConfigServerResourcePatternResolver.
A EntityEventListener listens on changes on entities managed on foreign services.
A ErrorMessageConfiguration.
A ErrorMessageHandler.
A ErrorMessageListener.
A ErrorMessageVO.
A ExplicitRouteSearch is a "simple" implementation of the
activated with the Spring Profile "SIMPLE".A ExternalStartListener.
A InputContext.
A ItemMessage.
A ItemMessageHandler.
A ItemMessageHeader.
A LocationController.
A LocationEO is an Entity Object (EO) that represents a Location in a simple way.
A LocationGroupController.
A LocationGroupLoader.
A LocationMessageListener listens on changes on entities managed on foreign services.
A LocationPK, is a value type and is used as an unique natural key for
builder static inner class.A LocationRepository.
A LocationService.
A LocationServiceImpl.
A LocationUpdateMessageConfiguration.
A LocationUpdateMessageController.
A LocationUpdateMessageHandler.
A LocationUpdateMessageListener.
A LocationUpdateVO.
A Matrix.
A MessageProcessingException is a general exception that indicates a fault situation
during message processing.
A NoRouteException.
A OSIP annotation marks a type as OSIP type.
A OSIPComponent marks a Spring Component as OSIP type.
A OwmsProperties.
A Registrator.
A RequestMessageConfiguration.
A RequestMessageController is the http endpoint of the routing service component to
process REQ_ messages.
A RequestMessageListener.
A ResourceResolverRegistrar.
A Responder is sending messages to a given target.
A ResponseHeader.
A OSIP ResponseMessage responds to an processed
.A ResponseMessageConfiguration.
A ResSenderApi.
A Route.
A RouteConst.
A RouteDetails.
A RouteDetailsRepository.
A RouteImpl.
A RouteMapper.
A RouteRepository.
A RouteResource.
A RouteSearchAlgorithm.
A RouteSearchAlgorithmImpl is the extended and standard version of the
.A RouteService operates on
s.A RouteServiceImpl is a transactional Spring managed bean that operated on
s.A RouteVO.
A RoutingAsyncConfiguration is activated when the service uses asynchronous communication to access other services.
A RoutingConstants.
A RoutingFeignConfiguration activates client stubs using Feign to connect to other services.
A RoutingModuleConfiguration.
A RoutingStandaloneConfiguration is activated when the service is deployed as a microservice, not packaged within an application.
A RoutingWebConfiguration configures Spring MVC for the service.
A SystemUpdateMessageConfiguration.
A SystemUpdateMessageController.
A SystemUpdateHandler.
A SystemUpdateMessageListener.
A SystemUpdateVO.
A UpdateMessageConfiguration.
A UpdateMessageController is the http endpoint of the routing service component to
process UPD_ messages.
A UpdateMessageListener.