Table testdb.public.act_ru_batch Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id_ varchar 64
act_ru_variable.batch_id_ act_fk_var_batch R
rev_ int4 10
type_ varchar 255  √  null
total_jobs_ int4 10  √  null
jobs_created_ int4 10  √  null
jobs_per_seed_ int4 10  √  null
invocations_per_job_ int4 10  √  null
seed_job_def_id_ varchar 64  √  null
act_ru_jobdef.id_ act_fk_batch_seed_job_def R
batch_job_def_id_ varchar 64  √  null
act_ru_jobdef.id_ act_fk_batch_job_def R
monitor_job_def_id_ varchar 64  √  null
act_ru_jobdef.id_ act_fk_batch_monitor_job_def R
suspension_state_ int4 10  √  null
configuration_ varchar 255  √  null
tenant_id_ varchar 64  √  null
create_user_id_ varchar 255  √  null
start_time_ timestamp 29,6  √  null
exec_start_time_ timestamp 29,6  √  null

Table contained 0 rows at Mon Dec 23 18:09 UTC 2024

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
id_ Primary key Asc act_ru_batch_pkey
batch_job_def_id_ Performance Asc act_idx_batch_job_def
monitor_job_def_id_ Performance Asc act_idx_batch_monitor_job_def
seed_job_def_id_ Performance Asc act_idx_batch_seed_job_def

Close relationships  within of separation: