Table testdb.public.cor_uaa_user Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
c_type varchar 31
c_pk int8 19
cor_uaa_email.c_user_pk fk_uaa_user_email R
cor_uaa_role_user.c_user_id fk_uaa_user_role R
c_created timestamp 29,6  √  null
c_created_by varchar 255  √  null
c_updated_by varchar 255  √  null
c_updated timestamp 29,6  √  null
c_ol int8 19  √  null
c_pid varchar 255
c_enabled bool 1  √  null
c_expiration_date timestamptz 35,6  √  null
c_extern bool 1  √  null
c_fullname varchar 255  √  null
c_last_password_change timestamptz 35,6  √  null
c_locked bool 1  √  null
c_password varchar 255  √  null
c_comment varchar 255  √  null
c_department varchar 255  √  null
c_description varchar 1024  √  null
c_gender varchar 255  √  null
c_im varchar 255  √  null
c_image oid 10  √  null
c_office varchar 255  √  null
c_phone_no varchar 255  √  null
c_username varchar 255
cor_uaa_user_password.c_username fk_uaa_pw_user R

Table contained 0 rows at Sun Jun 30 19:34 UTC 2024

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
c_pk Primary key Asc cor_uaa_user_pkey
c_username Must be unique Asc uc_uaa_user_name
c_pid Must be unique Asc uk_4x3xss9td2bjnyhneyoiodrn6

Close relationships  within of separation: