All Classes and Interfaces

A AuthenticatedUserVO is the representation of a human User with all attributes of interest.
A DefaultTimeProvider.
An Email represents the email address of an User.
A EmailMapper.
A EmailUpdater.
A EmailVO represents an email.
A Grant gives permission to access some kind of application object.
A GrantController.
A GrantEvent.
A GrantMapper.
A GrantRepository offers functionality to find and modify Grant entity classes.
A GrantService defines functionality to handle GrantServices.
A GrantServiceImpl is a transactional Spring Service implementation.
A GrantVO is the representation of a permission an User is granted to.
A IndexController serves the root Index resource via REST.
An InvalidPasswordException indicates that a password is not confirm with the defined rules.
A JacksonAware.
A MessageCodes.
A PasswordString.
A Role is a group of Users.
A builder class to construct Role instances.
A RoleController.
A RoleEvent.
A RoleMapper.
A RoleRepository offers functionality to find and modify Role entity classes.
A RoleService provides business functionality regarding the handling with Roles.
A RoleServiceImpl is a Spring managed transactional service that deals with Roles.
A RoleVO is groups a collections of permissions (grants).
A SecureUser.
A SecurityContextUserServiceImpl extends Spring UserDetailsService to read Users and Roles from the persistent storage and wraps them into security objects.
A SecurityObject is the generalization of Roles and Grants and combines common used properties of both.
A SecurityObjectAuthority.
A SecurityObjectMapper.
A SecurityObjectVO encapsulates common attributes of roles and grants.
A ServiceLayerExceptionTranslator.
A SystemUser is granted with all privileges and omits all defined security constraints.
A SystemUserAuthority.
A SystemUserWrapper.
A TimeProvider is able to provide dates and times.
A UAAConstants.
A UAADistributedConfiguration.
A UAAEventListener.
A UAAModuleConfiguration.
A UAAOtlpConfiguration.
A UAASecurityConfiguration.
An User represents a human user of the system.
A PasswordComparator sorts UserPassword by date ascending.
A UserBasicFieldUpdater.
An UserController represents a RESTful access to Users.
Detailed information about an User.
The Users gender.
A UserDetailsMapper.
A UserDetailsVO encapsulates less relevant details of an User.
A UserEvent.
An UserHolder exposes an User instance to it's clients.
A UserMapper.
Is a representation of an User together with her password.
An UserRepository offers functionality regarding User entity classes.
An UserService offers functionality according to the handling with Users.
An UserServiceImpl is a Spring managed transactional implementation of the UserService.
A UserUpdater.
A UserVO is the representation of a human User with all attributes of interest.
An UserWrapper is used as an adapter between Roles, SecurityObjects and Spring's GrantedAuthority objects.
A ValidationGroups.
Marker interface to validate on creation.
Marker interface to validate on modification.